Terms of Reference | The History of UKPAC
This page sets out the role and objectives of the UK Public Affairs Council (UKPAC), as they were defined by the implementation team which first planned and established the Council. Any change to these terms of reference will need to be agreed by all member organisations.
The aim of the UKPAC is to promote public confidence in those who, in a professional capacity, undertake lobbying by encouraging and sustaining high ethical standards, transparency and accountability amongst those whom the Council regulates. It will offer a system of voluntary regulation to ensure that all those involved in lobbying institutions of government can be governed by a clear set of principles, underpinned by enforceable Codes of Conduct. Further, it will assist public confidence by establishing a publicly accessible Register of those involved in lobbying, indicating the organisations on whose behalf they are lobbying.
There are four key roles for the Council, as follows:
UKPAC will publish a register showing all organisations and individuals engaged in offering lobbying services that are members of one of the member bodies participating in the UK PAC. The Register will record the names of the organisations, the individuals working within them and, where relevant, any clients for whom lobbying services are provided. The Register will be completed quarterly and published as soon as possible thereafter. Each member body will require their members to complete the register accurately and failure to do so will be a disciplinary offence within the relevant member body.
UKPAC will be a legal entity with, initially, its members being the member bodies that subscribe to it. UKPAC will consider how direct membership of or affiliation to UKPAC might effectively be developed.
Member bodies wishing to join UKPAC will be required to:
The definitions of “lobbying” and “lobbyists” to which UKPAC adheres in carrying out its functions can be found here:
Definition of Lobbying