About the Register

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Who is registered?

Members of the APPC and CIPR that meet the UKPAC definition of lobbying are required to register.

What information does the register contain?

UKPAC collects information which is common across each of its members and relating to their respective types of membership, individuals in the case of the CIPR and consultancies in the case of APPC.

Data which is collected include contact information, employer details and, where applicable, clients for whom public affairs services are provided. In some instances the services provided to clients may be pro bono but these are not distinguished.

How up-to-date are the data on the register?

Data will be published on a quarterly basis covering the quarter immediately before and as such it is not a real time list.

Can I register with UKPAC as a non-member of APPC or CIPR?

Yes. In summer 2012, UKPAC announced it was opening up its register to any individual or organisation who lobby. To find out more click here.

How do I register?

Members of the Association of Professional Political Consultants (APPC) are required to complete a register of their clients and consultants. This information is then downloaded for inclusion on the UKPAC register. The APPC register can be viewed here.

Members of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) who practice public affairs can register their details directly through the UKPAC website by using the “Register with UKPAC” tab on the homepage. The new registrant is then sent an automated email containing their registration details and a link which is clicked to activate the login. Thereafter, CIPR users can begin inputting data.

Anyone who is not a member of either the APPC or CIPR should contact Ann Austin, secretary@citizenpower.co.uk to find out how to register.

Can members of APPC or CIPR choose to not register?

No. Any member of APPC or CIPR must register their activities and employer or/and public affairs clients.

I am a freelancer - do I have to register all clients including recent former clients?

The UKPAC register will be published on a quarterly basis. All freelance members of CIPR are required to publish all their clients over the course of the preceding quarter, since the last update. This should include clients for whom short-term work was done for some days or weeks within the quarter. An email and regular reminders are sent to all individual registrants reminding them to check and update their entry for the relevant period.

Do I have to register if I do not currently have any clients who require me to undertake public affairs activity but I have in the past and I may have in the future?

The definition of lobbyists used is intended to capture those who carry out this work as a core part of their role or profession. As such registration is generally assumed to be on going. The quarterly updates allow registrants to amend the information on their employers or clients during the quarter in question. If you are freelance or working in a lobby firm with third party clients but did not have any personal clients in place during a quarter you should make this clear but your entry should remain on the register if you are likely to continue active public affairs practice.

Why am I listed as a member of staff for a lobbying company when I am a contractor?

You will see that where staff are listed we have included a note to reflect that staff are either employees or providing consultancy services.

Why am I required to provide my CIPR membership number?

CIPR members must provide their membership number to verify their membership and adherence to the CIPR code of conduct.

Can I take my details off the register?

The register should cover those who are or plan to be active in this field. If you no longer carry out work that meets the definition of a lobbyist then you should notify the UKPAC Secretariat at secretary@citizenpower.co.uk. UKPAC will record the change and take the action necessary to remove your from future registers

Help with Searching the Register

The search is not listing the organisation/individual/client I am searching for. What can I do?

The search tool uses the information as it is entered by the registrant. If your search does not come up with the information you thought might exist you should try searching using a shorter form of the organisation's name. In the case of an individual we recommend using the surname rather than the christian name. You can also use the "Sounds Like" button to help pick up entries that may sound like the name you entered.


I haven’t received any automated emails from UKPAC – what should I do?

Some systems don't allow notification emails to pass through security settings. Please check your spam filters, security settings or speak with your system administrator. If you are still unable to receive any automated emails, please email secretary@citizenpower.co.uk with details, including the browser you are using and the version number.

I receive an error message or nothing happens when I click on the automated email to register – what should I do?

In a very few cases the link received by the user doesn't appear to work. This generally happens for one of two reasons.

First, some security systems do not allow UKPAC links in automated emails and remove part of the link to prevent the recipient visiting what it believes to be a potentially malicious website. If you are not taken to a page confirming your login activation, please check your security settings or speak with your system administrator. If you are still not taken to a confirmation page, please email secretary@citizenpower.co.uk with details, including the browser you are using and the version number.

Second, some browser versions fail to open the window confirming the process is complete. If the link is clicked again, nothing may happen or you may receive an error message. In all cases, if you have received the email and clicked on the link, please simply try logging in to ensure you have activated your login. If you are still unable to login, please email secretary@citizenpower.co.uk with details including the browser you are using and the version number.